We are committed to creating new standards that are consistently in the forefront of music technology, yet remain focused on the human elements of music and real performance. Garritan is the world’s leading provider of quality virtual software instruments.

Go to File Export MIDI, but make sure to do it with Human Playback turned on in Window Playback Controls Human Playback Style in order to get the KS and CC. You’ll use it setting up your session in the DAW. At this step, it’s very useful to take a screenshot of each bank setup in the ARIA Player, and save it. In this manual, you’ll find instructions on how to set up the ARIA Player for use with your sound library. This Guide is intended to give you a brief overview of the ARIA Player. Some of the Giga technologies are making their way into the ARIA Player. A professional music workstation for composing, recording, mixing, and arranging audio and MIDI tracks ACID Pro 7 software is a DAW powerhouse that combines full multitrack recording and mixing, MIDI sequencing, and legendary ACID looping functionality for a seamless music-creation and post-production environment.More creative partner than production tool, ACID Pro 7 software inspires you like. Our goal is to provide an instantly playable orchestral library with many pre-packaged orchestral. Garritan Instant Orchestra is about instantly producing orchestral music very quickly and easily.

It provides specially-tailored acoustic programming designed to reproduce the sounds of actual instruments and imparts expressive controls to those sounds. Included with Personal Orchestra 5, the ARIA Player is a state-of-the-art, easy-to-use sample library player. When using the instrument as a plug-in, your MIDI and audio setup, including input devices, sample rate, and buffer size are all set by your host program.