Remember, if you are playing a perk that cannot kill a Scrake quickly and efficiently, (ie Commando or Firebug) DO NOT shoot at the Scrake unless it is an emergency. But if there is no Sharpshooter on the team or the Sharpshooter is preoccupied with another threat, then the Berserker or Support Specialist should be next in line to deal with them. In general, the Sharpshooter should be the one mainly responsible for killing Scrakes since they can safely eliminate them from a distance before they can become a real threat. However, that does not mean that Demos (or anyone else for that matter) should start spamming grenades at Scrakes. That was a rumor started by the KF Wiki and it has since been proven false. No, Scrakes do not have resistance to explosives. Only a Sharpshooter's perked Crossbow is effective against them on these difficulties. This means that off-perk Crossbows will NOT stun them. But when you move up to Suicidal and Hell on Earth difficulties, they gain 50% resistance to Crossbow headshots. On Beginner, Normal and Hard difficulties, Scrakes have no resistances at all. Not only will you take less damage since he'll keep doing the saw through the abdomen attack, the Scrake will also be an easy target for your team mates and they can get it off of you much quicker.

So if a Scrake rages and starts attacking you, STAND STILL. Secondly, the Scrake is harder for your team mates to hit when it's chasing you all over the place. First when you run, the Scrake will keep doing the chainsaw swipe attack to you which does much more damage than the saw through the abdomen attack. This is a very bad thing to do for two reasons.

But when you move up to Suicidal or Hell on Earth, Scrakes will now rage when they've lost only 30% of their health making them much more dangerous.Ī big mistake many players make when a Scrake rages and starts attacking them is trying to run away from it. If you're playing on Beginner, Normal or Hard difficulties, Scrakes will rage when they've lost 50% of their health. The amount of damage needed to trigger a Scrakes's rage changes depending on the difficulty you're playing on. They move so fast when raged that no perk can outrun them so once a Scrake is raged, you have no other choice but to face it down and kill it. Once Scrakes have taken enough damage, they will go into a raged state where they move much faster and they will not stop raging until they are dead.